
Skin temperature - and its relationship to thermal comfort

Localized discomfort of the human body - or over-generalized discomfort It is not very common to discuss the localized thermal discomfort with quantifiable measures. Traditionally, thermal comfort is expressed as either a vote-like metric such as Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) or temperature-like metric such as physiologically equivalent temperature (PET). Using environmental parameters (air temperature, relative humidity, mean radiant temperature and air velocity) and personal variables (metabolic rate and clothing factor), the human body is modelled either as a two-node heat budget model where the surface of the occupants are assumed to be at consistent temperature.

Vertical Borehole Heat Exchanger Length Estimation

The basics Method to estimate required length of borehole The methods required to estimate the length required by borehole is outlined in ASHRAE Handbook - Applications (2015). Specifically, we’ll be looking at the sizing of a vertical geothermal heat pump system. The given (known) values that we have are $q_c$ and $q_h$, the cooling and heating load of the new campus in tons, which needs to be plugged into the following Equation (1) for the required length of cooling:

Two new publications are up!

Mean radiant temperature review Super excited to see that the review of mean radiant temperature that I authored is to be published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews! Worked on this particular review for a really long period of time - and hopefully it would provide an in-depth review into the concept, its shortcomings and limitations as much as its benefits in the design of building systems. The current understanding of mean radiant temperature assumes many things: that it is almost equivalent to the measurement of globe thermometers - and is therefore singlular to an indoor space, and can sometimes even be approximated by air temperatures.