
[[item]] title: “Comfort delivery re-conditioned for thermal comfort” description:“Existing understanding of the indoor environment usually states the thermal comfort of the occupants can be ensured by using consistent temperature set points within an indoor environment.”

Recent development in machine learning

A scikit-based Python environment for performing multi-label classification[1] What’s Python? Python is a high-level programming …

Recent development in machine learning - Technical

A scikit-based Python environment for performing multi-label classification[1] What was done in this study? Building on the existing …

Skin temperature - and its relationship to thermal comfort

Localized discomfort of the human body - or over-generalized discomfort It is not very common to discuss the localized thermal …

Vertical Borehole Heat Exchanger Length Estimation

The basics Method to estimate required length of borehole The methods required to estimate the length required by borehole is outlined …

Two new publications are up!

Mean radiant temperature review Super excited to see that the review of mean radiant temperature that I authored is to be published in …

Reconditioning energy delivery for thermal comfort.

A brief history of delivering thermal comfort We understand the built environment as a whole where its very existence chanllenges the …